Monday, November 1, 2021

An Honorable Position: Trash Man

As your children become older, they will take on more responsibilities:  there's even a shifting of duties that begins to occur - often out of necessity.  

Taking out the trash is one such duty that Daniel most graciously bestowed upon J. Michael.  With much ceremony, (maybe too much) J. Michael was crowned honorary trash man, and with a soberness above his years  eagerly began his new task. 

Every now and then, I would hear some one calling, "Hey, trash man" and  in no time I'd see J. Michaels' foot steps running, followed by his marching out the door with can in hand.

We got a kick out of how seriously he took this task.  Just the other day, my smile turned to a deeper reflection by our child's zeal over the most undesirable chore in the house.  Whitney related to me that as she and the boys were visiting the neighbors he asked them, "Would you like me to take out your trash?"  She was mortified.  They let him!   

Yet, I saw in this child's simple action, the power of serving, especially in the unwanted and hidden tasks of life. 

J. Michael's calling had extended outside the safe boundary of our home.

Serving with joy in the unwanted tasks of life often has a more powerful affect than we might realize.  Serving in the hidden places shows that we care more about the One who has given the task -  than which task has been given... after all,  finding the secret of walking in joy amidst the everyday grind of life is a treasure always worth sharing!

As we get older, it is easy to lose this sense of calling in these areas, especially if the cares of this life, find us looking around, instead of Looking unto Christ.  'Father, grant me a single eye, so my whole body will be filled with Your light.  A light that will give my steps more than direction, but a bounce too.'

"Serve God by doing common action in a heavenly spirit, and then, if your daily calling only leaves you cracks and crevices of time, fill them up with holy service." ~Charles H. Spurgeon 

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