Friday, September 28, 2012

Present Pleasant

The reason why many grow weary and heart sick in this life, is because their hope is in the Present Pleasant. 

They are not praising the Father for His Purposeful Pressure

Their hope is in the conditions of the road, instead of running in a RACE to the finish. They have settled for a stroll in the park, or living on the side-lines. 

Hope that sees from a far does more than keep us on the right road, but it makes us like Him. Just like watching the race, is not the same as running.

Run the Race
Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. Heb. 12:1
The word race is from the Greek agon, from which we get the word agony. The Christians’ race is not a jog but rather a demanding and grueling, sometimes agonizing race. It takes a massive effort to finish strong.

Likely you’ve noticed that many don’t? Surely you’ve observed there are many on the side of the trail? They used to be running. There was a time when they kept the pace. But then weariness set in. They didn’t think the run would be this tough…

By contrast, Jesus’ best work was his final work, and his strongest step was his last step. Our Master is the classic example of one who endured…He could have quit the race. But he didn’t. ~Max Lucado  Just Like Jesus

 Such as do not grow in grace, decay in grace. There is no standing at a stay in religion, either we go forward or backward; if faith does not grow, unbelief will; if heavenly mindedness doth not grow, covetousness will. ~~T. Watson~~

The above picture was taken of a marathon race that Whitney, Paula Gamble and her mother, Cyrstal Leach ran together several years ago.  It was a trail run of very difficult conditions, due to a previous storm that pulled down trees everywhere.  Finishing this race, made endurance have a whole new meaning.

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