Saturday, September 29, 2012

Advocate or Adversary?

An Advocate is one who pleads the cause 
FOR another

An Adversary is one who presses the case AGAINST another

When we see a troubling area in the life of someone else - which position do we take?

If our Lord had become our adversary - "If He would have marked our iniquity - who could stand".

Do we love our brothers and sisters in the same way that our Lord loved us?

He saw our sin and became our Advocate before the Father - taking our punishment upon Himself and pleading with the Father for time to purify us from all the lawlessness He saw in us.

What do we do when we see some fault or lawlessness in someone else? Do we take sides with the Law and stand against them to condemn or do we take the side of our Lord and plead with Him to be merciful?

Advocates and Adversaries both know and deal with the facts and evidence, but they come from a completely opposite direction. The Advocate's direction is FOR while the Adversary's direction is AGAINST.

Which direction are our relationships going? Jesus the Advocate is leading many sons to glory. Satan the Adversary is accusing the many he is seeking to destroy.

Both Advocates and Adversaries use their hands in dealing with others. Adversaries use their hand to point an accusing finger whenever they see someone has fallen into sin. Advocates hold out their hands in prayer, believing with HOPE for their brother or sister. ~Am

"Give me the love that leads the way, the faith that nothing can dismay, the hope no disappointments tire, the passion that will burn like fire; Let me not sink to be a clod: Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God." ~Amy Carmichael

"If pride turned some of the angels into demons, then humility can doubtless make angels out of demons. ~John Climacus

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