Monday, May 30, 2022


and Let God.

Tight grips indicate tense hearts.  

There is a beautiful sense of calm and peace to the one who can let go and give their concerns to God.  

The peaceful serenity of HIS paths is discovered by walking with the Heavenly Father, not racing to our own agenda's.  

The tug of war arises from the desire for control within.  This works against the peace of God which will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

The real struggle is not with those things that we see; the enemy of peace is our own hesitation to trust and let HIM lead.... victory begins in letting HIM be God.

We see things clearly when He goes before us; in His light there are no shadows. Then, our main objective is not winning, but enjoying His presence and treasuring His counsel in our hearts.  

These tight fists were made to open up and raised up to worship HIM.   

"RESIGNATION to the will of God is the whole of piety; it includes in it all that is good; and is a source of the most settled quiet and composure of mind.  Our resignation to the will of God may be said to be perfect, when our will is lost and resolved up into His; when we rest in His will as our end, as being itself most just, and right, and good.  And where is the impossibility of such an affection to what is just and right and good, such a loyalty of heart to the Governor of the universe, as shall prevail over all sinister indirect desires of our own.?  ~Joseph Butler

THERE are no disappointment to those whose wills are buried in the will of God.  ~F.W. FABER  


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