Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hearts of Flesh Bleed

Recently, when visiting with a couple who are experiencing a 

great loss in their lives, and being tempted to close their

hearts to pain...I was reminded of this older poem of Alan's.

  We can not close our hearts to pain, because when and 

if we do...our hearts will become hardened and skeptical. 

Embracing pain allows a deeper capacity for LOVE and a 

greater understanding of the LOVE of the ONE 

who willingly bore of pain. 

Hearts of Flesh Bleed

I’d rather have pain than porosis
It’s better to hurt than be hard
If I would be formed in His image
Then like Him I will bruise and be scarred

Since He was made perfect through suffering
A perfect high priest to become
Then even in this let me know Him
Taste His grief, feel his pain, be alone

For stony hearts wince not at chastening
But scourgings make hearts of flesh bleed
And weak ones will yield to this mercy
While proud hearts stay blind to their need

Lord save me from my love of comfort
And take from me my heart of stone
I know hearts of flesh know more suffering
But they also feel love like your own

1 comment:

  1. I love this.
    Just read this in John Piper's Desiring God:
    "The quickest way to the heart is through a wound."

    Oh, how often we want a prescription for the pain, when the pain is actually the prescription written by the Greatest Physician.

    Thanks for these thoughts. Really precious truth, here.
