Friday, October 26, 2012


When my children were younger, there were seasons when something would grab their affection. It became the center of their world.

Daniel's was a Pacifier
Angela had her Books
Whitney always loved Animals
Anna - ME only :-)
Joseph had Gopher (his stuffed puppet dog)
Benjamin's was anything he could take a part

In every case, this all seems sweet or cute when we are younger; but, as we grow older it may very well prove to undo us.

"When I was a child, I thought as a child,
I reasoned as child,
when I became a man,
I put childish things AWAY!"

Our affections can impact our lives in a negative way, if we are not careful where they are placed.

"Set your affections on things above,
and not on things of this earth..." Col. 3:2

When affections are unchecked, the mind and heart will grab hold of things that do not last. Affections steer our whole attitude in life. I've seen more devastation due to lack in this one area than any other;because, the mind and heart will always be where our treasure is and the enemy specializes in "fool's gold."

This is why we must learn to "set" them in the right direction. Setting our affections aright is like letting go of earth's comforts and the false covers we hide behind (ie excuses for our need to hold on), and putting on Christ (who holds all true riches in His spirit).

These things of earth are destined to perish, but we were made to wear HIM. In his end Solomon found "vanity", but in the end of our Lord, He found "victory" - "I have overcome the world!"

We will know the difference when we have found this place of putting off the old, and wearing the new. We will not "need" to hold on to things and people to make it....we will have discovered a place not of this earth, but the hidden treasure found only in the Person of our Lord Jesus, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

"Worship is a posture of life 

that takes as its primary purpose 

the understanding of what it 

really means to love and revere God.”

~Ravi Zacharia

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