Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Living Words

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Prov. 25:11

Words can become something that can bring life and healing.
When our hearts are filled with good things, this is what will overflow unto others. This morning I see the importance of a grateful heart, because there are times when this will need to come from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, especially in the times we live in. When touched in this way, we have something to offer that is “food” for others...to bring life and peace.

Gratitude is the inspiration of heaven's most melodious anthems. Its fruit is joy in the time of mourning, courage in the day of despondency, security in the hour of loneliness, peace in the midst of battle, and satisfaction in spiritual or physical famine. Dorothy Kelley Patterson

I was struck recently with the realization that the Living Water that will flow out from our inner most being will take the form of LIVING WORDS that we speak. "The tongue of the wise commendeth healing." "The lips of the wise are a TREE OF LIFE." Even Jesus said, "My WORDS are SPIRIT THEY are LIFE."
When we are abiding in Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit, the ministry of truth and life at work within us will overflow in the form of LIVING WORDS of truth spoken in love that will produce life in others.
Words spoken from our flesh have the power of decay and death!
Words spoken from the Holy Spirit have the power of fruit and life!
The true indicator that we are being filled with the Holy Spirit
is our overflowing with LIVING WORDS!
(E-mail sent by Alan)

The following is a short story told by a friend, that I wanted to include in this "re-post" from the past.  Thanks, Kelly. :)
_____Jason was talking to the children last night about the unrest that results in our home when they are constantly arguing.
He told them a story about foxes.

Samson used foxes to bring chaos in the Philistine fields.

He got two of them together and tied their tails with a lit torch in the middle.

The fire did the damage, but the foxes' tails bore the destruction.

Just so, we each have a choice if we will offer our tails to be tied.

The enemy is there, waiting to catch two tails of the heart -- the tongue -- and tie them together, bringing his fire and destruction to our relationships.

The tongue, such a little member, can be itself set on fire by agents of hell.

This blessed me . . . spoke to me . . . while he was speaking it to the children.

May all our words be "helpful for building others up according to their needs, that [they] may benefit those who listen." (Eph. 4:29)

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