Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Get Rid of all the Rubbish

"Make this valley full of ditches." 2 Kings 3:16)

Do we say, "Lord, I want my life to be a channel through which Thy power may flow?"  Then let the spade of His Word go down into the depths of your heart, that the hidden things may be revealed.  Blessing must be prepared for.  You can hinder it, and shirk it; you can shut your ears to His voice; or you can get alone with the Lord Jesus and let Him have His way.  God has a glorious work to do in every yielded life; He has a glorious fullness to bestow.  But there is also a work for us to do; there must be a digging down into the depths of our heart; we must resolve to get rid of all the rubbish, and to prepare for the living water.
  ~H. Earnshaw Smith.
Taken from Springs in the Valley / Mrs Charles E. Cowman (emphasis mine)

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