Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time will Tell

Whitney gathered up several older pots from an abandoned house across the road; both to clean up, and in hopes that Spring would reveal whether the pots still had their treasure inside.

Time would Tell

When growth began, we were delighted to see the green sprouts; each pot held a promise,
but time revealed the difference between the value each one held....

Of the 9 pots, two were filled with weeds.  It took us a while to really KNOW these were weeds, because the beginning could not reveal the end - each sprout looked promising.

We tend to celebrate too many beginnings - only to experience disappointment as the process proves our optimism is premature.

These pots were at one time owned by our neighbor, Lela, who took great pleasure caring for them.

The two pots with weeds contain a lesson; the lesson of neglect.  Their soil was allowed to sit, with no tending.   Flowers must be sown; but even neglected soil produces something... weeds.

Time always reveals what has been tended to and what has been neglected.

So when my Heavenly Father digs around me, it is because He is taking great pleasure in His care for me. His purpose is to bear fruit, and the beauty of Holiness...that brings Him glory.

God plows and prunes all He receives as His children;  He calls it discipline - He does this so that we might share in His holiness - and become a thing of beauty in His eyes.  

The following is a text that Alan sent to the children recently that speaks of the importance of actively looking to the Father.

Dear children - Is all dis-obedience ACTIVE?  How about PASSIVE disobedience?  If we are simply indifferent to commands to seek Him with all our heart, is this not willful defiance even though it is calmly passive?  "To him who knows the good he ought to do and DOES IT NOT - to him - IT IS SIN!"  We can sin by our actions and inactivity.  Are we being filled with His Spirit?  Are we giving thanks in all things?  Are we rejoicing in the Lord always?  To sin, often we simply have to do nothing.  Remember this deceitful aspect of sin - passive indifference is still open defiance, calm but stubborn!  Let's seek Him with all our heart and live by EVERY WORD God has spoken.  Those who DO His will and KEEP His word will never see death!  Let's not be deceived - "he who DOES what is righteous IS RIGHTEOUS.Be DOERS OF THE WORD and not passive hearers only.  I love all of you.    Dad

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