Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fully Return in Heart

Here is a beautiful passage from Isaiah - translated from the Septuagint

"Remember these things and moan. Repent all who have been made to wander astray. Fully return in heart!  Remember the former things from the ages!  Because I AM GOD, and there is no other besides me; announcing the last things before they take place and are completed.  And I said  'All my counsel will stand and as much as I have purposed, I WILL DO!  I call the winged creatures from the east and from a distant land, for the things I have purposed, indeed I spoke, and indeed I led, I created, and I did!  I led him and prospered his way.  Hear me all the ones destroying the heart (senseless ones), the ones far from righteousness!  I brought my righteousness NEAR, IN NO WAY is at a long distance!  And the salvation from Me, I WILL NOT BE SLOW ABOUT!  I have given salvation in Zion to Israel unto glory'."   Isaiah 46:8-13

There is no need ever again for anyone to ascend to heaven and bring Christ down or to descend into lower parts of the earth to bring Him up.   HE HAS COME and HE IS HERE!   The Kingdom of God is among us!

His righteousness is near because HE HIMSELF HAS COME!   HE is HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and for those who RECEIVE HIM - He GIVES HIMSELF to them.   What a great salvation!  "And in those days, Judah shall be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell in peace.  This is the name by which they shall be called - THE LORD IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS! " 

All  who Jesus was when He walked the earth, His Spirit is now who has made HIS ABODE  in us.  The glory for US - THE ISRAEL OF GOD is that God is not slow about His salvation to us.  HE is so fast about it that "BEFORE WE CALL"  - HE ANSWERS!   

If we perceive Him to be slow - let us repent!   "God is not slow as some men reckon slowness, but is longsuffering towards us - not wanting any of us to perish and we are to consider His longsuffering to be salvation." 

If we are far from righteousness - let's move to where He is!  His life is His righteousness - let's live IN Him!

HIS NEARNESS IS OUR GOOD!   You can not get any closer than IN Him!  We can live in Him because He has come and has given Himself to us through His Spirit who lives IN us.

1 comment:

  1. Just reading this now, after a day of watching some "returnings" . . .

    He is Here! What a great reminder and don't I need it in the crucible of my everyday life more than any place else . . . ?!

    Good to see you today, Dina. Blessings!
