Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Closing of a Season

There are times when you know its time to pass through one season to another. I have to admit, that even though my children are ready to pass through from this season of milking goats, and barn chores, that I will miss them. 

I was not the one doing them, but I've reaped the benefits of what these daily duties have added to their lives. Consistency, endurance and the appreciation of what hard work produces. I'm going to miss the goats milk, too!

When we leave these seasons, to enter the next there is always something richer on the other side. The lessons that have gone deep into our lives, will be used to prepare us for what is to come. In some ways it is not that we are totally leaving them, but taking the lessons that we have learned from them. I must be careful not to cling to closings when they come. They are His doings, leading us on.

WHAT channel needs our faith, except the eyes?

God leaves no spot of earth unglorified;

Profuse and wasteful, lovelinesses rise;

New beauties dawn before the old have died.

Trust thou thy joys in keeping of the Power

Who holds these changing shadows in his hand;

Believe and live, and know that hour by hour

Will ripple newer beauty to thy strand. ~T.W. Higginson

“I wondered over again for the hundredth time what could be the principle which, in the wildest, most lawless, fantastically chaotic, apparently capricious work of nature, always kept it beautiful. The beauty of holiness must be at the heart of it somehow, I thought. Because our God is so free from stain, so loving, so unselfish, so good, so altogether what He wants us to be, so holy — therefore all His works declare Him in beauty. His fingers can touch nothing but to mould it into loveliness. Even the play of His elements is in grace and tenderness of form. ~G. MacDonald

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