Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Unexpected Construction

Unexpected construction is like an unexpected event or need that comes up. You begin to plan your day, and suddenly everything changes in a moment.  Often our first response resembles my own when I walked out and beheld Jacob's fort in our front yard. “Wow, now that is interesting?!” It can really change the landscape of your day. What we should always remember is that real life often does this and those who learn to go with the ebb and flow of their own unexpected events will glean the blessing from them. Sometimes the blessing will be as simple as learning to count the needs of others as greater than your own.  Another lesson involves trusting the Father's workings (which often deal more with our inward hearts) than the outworking of what we already had planned. Jacob's “new” construction can be moved in a moment, but sometimes it takes a life time for our hearts to learn to move with the Spirit. We say we desire this life of walking by the Spirit, but are we ready for the "unexpected construction" zones He purposely steers us into? 

“Let us then think only of the present, and not even permit our minds to wander with curiosity into the future. This future is not yet ours; perhaps it never will be. It is exposing ourselves to temptation to wish to anticipate God, and to prepare ourselves for things which He may not destine for us. If such things should come to pass, He will give us light and strength according to the need. Why should we desire to meet difficulties prematurely, when we have neither strength nor light as yet provided for them? Let us give heed to the present, whose duties are pressing. It is fidelity to the present which prepares us for fidelity in the future. ~Fenelon

“Every hour comes with some little light regarding God's will fastened upon its back. ~F.W.Faber

I do believe that Jacob Bradshaw will be an architect one day!:)  He built the above struture while Sara and I were visiting, with old lumber and a few nails.  2010

1 comment:

  1. John 3:8, "The wind (or Spirit-- same word used) blows where it wills, and you hear the sound but you do not know where it comes from and where it goes; so is everyone born of the Spirit." God's movement in our lives is as mysterious to us as the movement of the wind. We must learn to be flexible and not rigid if we are to keep in step with Him.
    (The weather outside today is a good reminder of this imagery, isn't it?!)
