Monday, March 21, 2011

News or Now?

We need to learn how to discern the difference between
news that might or might not happen and the
now of what faces us moment by moment.
Sometimes information that we receive may test our heart
 to see if we will trust His Hand. Hearing of possible happenings
should not take our eyes off what is now at hand.
When daunting news comes my way ~
 I can do one of two things: Fret over something I have no control over - which will only serve to rob me of peace for today, or  I can lift up my eyes to the One who knows all things and trust - this makes the yoke I bear easy and light. A trusting heart is able to receive all the grace our Father offers regardless of what a day might bring.

“We ought to measure our actual lot, and to fulfill it,
to be with all our strength that which our lot requires
and allows. What is beyond it, is no calling of ours.
How much peace, quiet, confidence, and strength,
would people attain, if they would go by this plain rule.
~H.E. Manning

"A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart." ~Charles Finney
Whitney having Tea Time with the Davis girls and Emma Benoit.  June 2010

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