Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Standing in HOPE

I've never been here before.
Standing before the dying of a loved one.

In the beginning,
 his convulsive, hacking coughs, 
raised my heart beat.
I would find myself literally
 holding my own breath,
 as I watched him fight to find his.

But while watching him,
 I've found a beautiful place,

And where Acceptance 
may appear to be a STANCE;
 it's not at all idle -
It's intentional stillness
 with peace 
as its fuel for STANDING,
and the one you STAND over,
 KNOWS it.

Acceptance has a 
grit and stamina 
all its own.

It sees beyond the inability to control,
with a calm heart.

It's a Tough tenderness, because eventually you
are called to do hard things, 
 to give difficult comforts as
the body starts to shut down.

So how does tough and tender meet?...
Somewhere in the faith of Acceptance
of things we can not change,
and have no control over.

Tough without Tender
is critical and callous

Tender without Tough
is careless and calamitous

Yet - when HOPE ties them together,
it teaches me when to just 
sit in his room quietly,
or simply stand watching, 
or do the necessary things that come
when the body is so pitifully limited...
always holding out LIFE,
even as death is about to call him home.

"So we fall asleep in Jesus.  We have played long enough at the games of life, and at last we feel the approach of death.  We are tired out, and we lay our head back on the bosom of Christ and quietly fall asleep."  ~Henry Ward Beecher


  1. Thanks for this, Mrs. Martin! As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:8, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Death is but the beginning of a new life!
