Monday, November 7, 2011

A Steady Gaze in the Mirror

No one likes to keep their gaze in the mirror too long.
The longer we look, the more we see. I can understand why James says, do not forget what you see when our Father's word reflects our need. We see things about ourselves that are hard to look at sometimes; blemishes that need tending to. One indication that we have forgotten what we have seen is the tendency to see others' faults first. We might come to realize that the Father's beautification of our own lives will do equally great things in others.   Remembering our own logs is the key to seeing other's problems as mere specks; for remembering how great a mercy we have received seems to result in seeing others' faults as lesser than our own. 

“We may, if we choose, make the worst of one another. Every one has his weak points. Every one has his faults. We may make the worst of these; we may fix our attention constantly upon thee. But we may also make the best of one another. We may forgive, even as we hope to be forgiven.We may put ourselves in the place of others, and ask what we should wish to be done to us, and thought
 of us,were we in their place. By loving whatever is lovable in those around us, love will flow back from them to us, and life will become a pleasure instead of a pain. Earth will become like heaven, and we shall become worthy followers of Him whose name is Love. ~A.P. Stanley

“Self-righteousness is being more aware of and irritated by the sins of others than you are conscious of and grieved by your own.” ~Paul Tripp

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