Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lean Hard Look Longer

There are times when the true meaning of something is hidden from what we readily see with our eyes. 

Surface things seem always to present themselves as more real to us. What is first seen and felt has always been what affects us the most in this life. This can keep us living on a level where we have no need to listen or look deeper for those unseen treasures. 

We will only find the hidden treasures by diligently searching; then we will realize they were there all the time, awaiting discovery.  It brings a beauty and richness to life when we learn to lean hard and look longer.

Whitney saw the closed lily in the Robinson’s pond when we first arrived at their place for the week-end. She had hoped it would open before we left.

Her eyes catch sight on something deep in the middle of the pond. Taking her camera, she zoomed in to find a fully opened lily! 

Like the zoom lens, we will see more when we understand the value of that which is hidden. Learning to be still, lean harder, and look longer will lead us to greater discoveries of knowing HIM.

I'm praying to slow and see
the sacred in the chaos,
the Cross in the clothespin,
the flame in the bush.

Just a bit of
listening, laundry, liturgy...
life. ~Ann Voskamp

Picture above taken at the Robinson pond, April 2010

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so true. Things are so much more meaningful than they at first seem. I have been especially considering this in regard to people. This is a quote I read today, “We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” ― Bonhoeffer

    Seeing deeper, for sure.
