Friday, December 19, 2014


Take rest; a field that has rested gives
 a bountiful crop.  ~Ovid

A Rest Profound
I have seen 
a rest profound, 
a tranquil constant peace

Each time I hear 
that inner voice
 and all my strivings cease

A secret learned 
 lessons taught
 by difficulties real

To lean not on
 the strength 
my own
 and trust not how I feel

Each time He led me 
through a trial 
experience did gain
To count all joy
 the hardship and 
embrace with faith the pain

And hope became 
that anchor strong 
to hold my reeling soul
And know beyond
 a shadow’s doubt
 my Lord was in control

The treasure gained 
from buffeting new 
freedom from all care
Assured the same 
good providence 
would every time be there

And from sure hope
 a grateful calm 
serenity was found
As He became
 my confidence 
my own mind became sound

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