Monday, March 30, 2015


"For this shall every one that is godly pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found:  surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him." Ps. 32:6

Some of the most fierce storms in my life, have always brought a clearer perspective.  When the waves settle, and the storms pass, there is a cleansing that long as you don't despise the storms, you gain the fullest benefit from them.  Faith tells you, where your Rock is, and where to place your affections. 

"...Sometimes cloud and sometimes sunshine; sometimes pleasure,  sometimes pain.  Life is a great mixture of happiness and tragic storm.  He who comes out of it rich in living, is he who dares to accept it all, face it all, and let it blow its power, mystery and tragedy into the inmost recesses of the soul.  
A victory so one in this life will then
 be an eternal possession." 
 ~Charles Lewis Slattery

"Be not overmastered by thy pain,

But cling to God, thou shall not fall;
The floods sweep over thee in vain,
Thou yet shall rise above them all;
For when thy trial seems too hard to bear,
Lo! God, thy King, hath granted all thy prayer:
Be thou content.
~P. Gerhardt

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