Saturday, April 11, 2015


The test of the life of a saint is not success, but faithfulness in human life as it actually is. ~Oswald Chambers

“An occasional effort, even of an ordinary holiness, may accomplish great acts of sacrifice...Constant discipline in unnoticed ways, and the spirit's silent unselfishness, becoming the hidden habit of the life, give to it its true saintly beauty, and this is the result of care and lowly love in little things. Perfection is attained most readily by this constancy of religious faithfulness in all minor details of life, consecrating the daily efforts 
of self-forgetting love.” 
~T.T. Carter

Selfless savior 
Murmurless master 
Simply a servant 
Lovingly last 
Father’s faithful 
Generous giver 
Only for others 
Always alive 

Always alive 
Always asking 
Hoping and seeking 
Vessels to break 
Vessels to fill 
Fruit to abide
~Joe Garrity

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