Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Grace of Gratitude

Are we living in the grace of gratitude? Are we full
of thanksgiving in all things big and small?

Gratitude reflects much about our attitude. Grateful can't be hateful!

I've noticed that when I express how good the food is, I am usually offered seconds. :-)

Do you think God feels that way? Might He stop giving to us if we start taking Him for granted. "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord" It is also a blessing to others when we show gratitude for their kindness.

One word of gratitude might prevent someone from growing weary in well doing. May our Father help us live in the grace of gratitude. May we become so thankful that He will keep our tank full.

I am thankful for all of you. Each of you are special and I give thanks to God for you. Bless others with your attitude of gratitude. Don't take what others do for granted, show them that you understand the effort they made to be kind. Lack of kindness is blindness. ~dad
recent text to the children from Alan
Above picture taken by Whitney, she calls 'tight places'.
The picture above expresses to me, that especially in the tight places, beauty can be displayed when our hearts learn this attitute of gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect picture for a gratitude post! "Bloom where you're planted", right? :)
