Friday, February 3, 2012

He made us to Soar

“Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee;”

There is something much more powerful when speaking as one with joy and a free spirit. It is from this place we uphold what salvation really is --- a relationship that is meant to be rich, rather than an obligation meant to be kept.

There is a fine line between feeling and desire. Feelings are fleeting, whereas desire descends, and goes deeper.  Our "inner man" knows this place of abiding in Christ.

 Desires define the core of who I am. Trust and Delight walk along side of each other, and like the light and noon day, they reveal the relationship that our Father intended from the motivated by love.

Its in this place of rest and abiding, that righteousness, peace and joy come.

As we understand, more and more, what it means to surrender self,  we are given wings....and the higher we go, the more we begin to understand His vision and heart.  We may find ourselves walking through a wilderness, but remember....we were never meant to LIVE there...God made us to soar, with HIM. 

On Wings of Eagles

Observe how a falcon soars high above a valley. He gained that altitude by beating his wings and overcoming gravity, climbing higher and higher until he reached a thermal and another law took over: the law of aerodynamics. Now he just soars effortlessly; he transcends gravity - the pull of the earth no longer has dominion over him. Beloved, this is a picture of the grace of God canceling out the dominion of sin's law. God's will is that we soar effortlessly over an already-won battle, having taken on the divine nature of victory. There is great rest in the thermal. The thermal is a picture of the Holy Spirit breathing power into our inner man.

Let us therefore beat our wings in defiance to the law of gravity, and allow God's Spirit to lift us higher and higher. See every wing flap as a mortifying blow to the flesh. Hide the Word of Christ deeply in your heart. Call on Him as you gain altitude, lest you soon become discouraged and plateau. Wait on the thermal; endure suffering, buffet your body into submission, take all thoughts captive to Christ's obedience. May this be our daily experience: resting and conquering.

May we all enter into this liberating truth.
- Brother Paul West
Please read the full article on the above quote, go here.

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