Sunday, June 26, 2011

Private Thoughts

I watched in surprise, as some one picked up my journal and started reading it. I waited, and looked again. They were still reading it! I started to squirm and wonder what I had written. I wondered if there was anything I would be afraid for that ones eyes to see?  After the book was laid down (really even before), I was realizing the importance of words, the power they hold, even in private journals. I assured the one who laid the book down, my life is an “open book” and it was okay for him to read, after all it was on our living room coffee table. After he left, I re-read it, just to make sure it really was!:)

It was then I realized that ALL hidden thoughts must come under His grace before they leave us...whether by mouth, or pen. Life is too short to let communications cause conflict. Venting (what the world does) is like a bunch of hot air pushing dust around. It never helps the one doing it heal. Healing only comes from the One who made the heart, and can mend it. I believe it is by these experiences we see who we are, and learn to find that place of abiding peace in Christ. This will promote a heart, that will prosper in whatever place you find yourself.

Like Joseph who said to his brothers, “And now do not be grieved or angry with yourself, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.” Gen. 45:5 The testimony of those who watched Joseph, in his season of pain and trial spoke this...”And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand.” Gen. 39:3 Joseph, found that private place of abiding in God, and it produced a public testimony of praise for God's glory.

Are we “preserving life” in both public and private communications?

“If we listen to our self-love, we shall estimate our lot less by what it is, then by what is is not. (We) shall dwell on its hindrances, and be blind to its possibilities. Comparing it only with imaginary lives, (we) shall indulge in flattering dreams of what we should do, if we had but power; and give, if we had but wealth; and be, if we had no temptations. We shall be forever querulously pleading our difficulties and privations as excuses for our unloving temper and unfruitful life. Fancying ourselves injured beings, (we would be) virtually frowning at the dear Providence that loves us, and chafing with a self-torture which invites no pity. (But) if we yield ourselves unto God, and sincerely accept our lot as assigned by Him, we shall count up its contents, and disregard its omissions. Be it as feeble as a cripple's and as narrow as a child's, (we) shall find in it resources of good surpassing our best economy, and cared claims that may keep awake our highest will. ~J. Martineau

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