Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It is supper time. The boys come to the table with hair slicked back, faces washed and hands slightly damp from being washed. I looked to the girls and smiled.

I had over heard one of them reading aloud a Manners book to them earlier in the day. “Wash your hands and face, and comb your hair. Remember that other people have to look at you.”

As our meal progressed on it seemed like the boys could not move without another rule being broken by the book.

Finally, I said “Girls, for all the good manners you feel necessary to instill, if indigestion is the end of it...what's the point?” Both the boys looked up at me with hope in their eyes.

I later read from the book, “A pleasant atmosphere helps your body digests the nutrients you eat.” :-)

In all that we know and long to teach our children, if it is not accompanied by a deep sense of joy and peace, it loses value to the hearer. Our children will know the difference of one who dictates their life by rules, or is ruled by Christ. The Psalms says, “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” Ps. 37:37

The above was an entry from a gift book I gave my parents, 10 years ago or more.  My mother gave it back to me, and I was delighted to be reminded of these simple lessons I was learning from my "younger" children back then.  I'm still in that process of learning how to walk by the Spirit, being RULED by Christ, and pray that the PEACE of Christ will continue to guard my heart and mind.  When PEACE is reigning in a HOME, you know Who is ruling.

1 comment:

  1. Such a perfect example of how "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (2 Cor. 3:6) in relationships. May all my words today be pleasant words, graciously bringing sweetness to the soul and health to the body!
    P.S. Glad you're back!
